Basic naturopathic principles for treating COVID 19 infection Help brain recovery (especially if already diagnosed, or at risk of, dementia): Lithium orotate, 20-50 mg daily DHA 1000 mg daily (eating fatty fish is also good) Immune tonics (choose one or 2) Cordyceps Rhodiola Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) Bioflavonoids: Berberine, Curcumin, Quercitin, Resveratrol, Hydrastis (Goldseal)...
Category: Upcoming Events
As many of you know I am interested in optimizing health and healthy longevity. I am not interested in pushing my body to last for 150 or 200 years; however I want a long life with health and sufficient vigor until the end. Of course this is what I want for my patients and family...
In response to NYTimes columnist David Leonhardt published March 10, 2020 about 7 steps to minimize risk of spreading corona virus (COVID-10), who asked “Did I miss anything?” March 11, 2020 Hi Mr Leonhardt Thanks for asking. I have been a primary care doc for nearly 30 years (in Juneau Alaska). Did you know...
This is from cardiologist Dr. Gundry: Lectin Shield Lectins are a protein present in many plant-based foods we eat. They can interfere with your digestion, energy, and overall health. Lectin Shield is a unique blend of potent compounds designed to bind to the lectins in your diet. Promotes regularity and pleasant bathroom visits Blocks dietary...
Cultivated foods have all developed mechanisms to protect themselves. Yes, they are “evolved organisms” and prefer to not be eaten. Mostly these toxic substances (called lectins) in almost all cultivated foods work to prevent bugs and birds eating away at the plants. But lectins can disrupt human gastric-intestinal health, and negatively impact brain function as...