If you wear glasses (or contacts) try to minimize their use to times when you need sharp vision.  Naturally, when you are reading or doing other precision work, or driving, please do wear your corrective eyewear.  But if you’re just lounging around at home and can manage to bathe, cook, garden, play a game etc...

Do you have labs results with HIGH TRIGLYCERIDES? Is your conventionally trained physician just telling you to take drugs? Yikes! High triglycerides can usually be spotted even without lab tests because they look like belly fat, or the classic apple shape body.

Helping Your Eyes Last A Lifetime Can you imagine your world not being able to read, or appreciate the scenery, or see what your family members look like? Many people with good eyesight take this blessed gift for granted. Starting in their late ’30s most folks experience a natural decline in visual acuity. Especially in...