The Huffington Post ( – Gluten: The Greatest Enemy of Clear Skin – Maura Henninger, N.D. – (Friday, February 08, 2013) – When Lisa, who works as a nurse at a nearby hospital, entered my office, her big, relaxed smile was the first thing I noticed. But her easy manner quickly fell apart when...
Tag: women’s health
five basic ideas (see also previous post featuring Dr. Burkitt): 1) more fiber (good quality bread, celery, apples, hot oatmeal, all leafy vegetables, berries) 2) less fat in particular less (or zero) animal fat 3) less (or zero) sugar 4) less salt 5) no processed foods It’s not just about weight or looking good... it’s short, humorous, and could save your life. Watch it now!
September 10, 2012, NY Times Popular Antibiotics May Carry Serious Side Effects By JANE E. BRODY Antibiotics are important drugs, often restoring health and even saving lives. But like all drugs, they can have unwanted and serious side effects, some of which may not become apparent until many thousands of patients have been treated.
Women now have a target heart rate formula specifically for them thanks to Cardiologist Martha Gulati,MD from Ohio State Medical Center. The usual standard calculation for exercise heart rate is actually based on male only studies. Women, as we all know, are different from men in many ways and exercise heart rate is no exception...
Inner Peace Reduces Anxiety 1. Be good to yourself. This is not selfish. It’s the foundation for a more peaceful world. 2. Breathe. Deep, slow breathing creates an ‘alpha’ state, which is an inwardly focused, relaxed, receptive awareness of reality. Allow the time daily for deep breathing and self-reflection. 3. Take care of your body....
The top five foods for healthy skin Americans are shelling out big bucks for expensive cosmetics to treat skin problems such as acne, wrinkles and dryness, but most consumers are overlooking the cheapest, safest and most effective remedies: healing foods. A host of healthy, natural foods offer potent healing and preventative powers to remedy a...
ABNORMAL SLEEP PERIODS INCREASE CARDIOVASCULAR RISK: A study has shown that, even among healthy people, those who regularly get five hours or less sleep a night have more than double the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Also, people who regularly get nine or more hours of sleep a night have a greater than fifty percent...
Regular breast self-exam may be safer and more effective than mammograms. Breast awareness is critical to the all-important early detection of possible breast disease. Men get breast cancer also, and it’s not rare in men, although it is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women, after lung cancer.
Apparently “standards of care” (the medical model’s sacred cow) are shifting. The NY Times recently published a good article about PAP screenings.