ABNORMAL SLEEP PERIODS INCREASE CARDIOVASCULAR RISK: A study has shown that, even among healthy people, those who regularly get five hours or less sleep a night have more than double the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Also, people who regularly get nine or more hours of sleep a night have a greater than fifty percent...

VITAMIN D MAY BOOST HEART FAILURE SURVIVAL RATES: A study has found that heart failure patients with reduced levels of vitamin D have lower rates of survival than patients with normal vitamin D levels. As a result, researchers suggest that a low intake of vitamin D may be a factor in the development, and outcome,...

Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their heads together

Wild About ‘Pure Synergy’ I’m really enjoying my latest discovery of a multi vitamin/mineral/superfood.  Check out ‘Pure Synergy‘ and read founder Mitchell May’s story. ‘Pure Synergy’ is an amazing product; tastes good and makes me feel utterly radiant!  Start with a small amount daily and build up to 1 heaping tablespoon daily.  If you place...

Do you have labs results with HIGH TRIGLYCERIDES? Is your conventionally trained physician just telling you to take drugs? Yikes! High triglycerides can usually be spotted even without lab tests because they look like belly fat, or the classic apple shape body.

Q: I’m not sure I am absorbing my nutrition.  I try to eat well; no alcohol, sodas or fried food.  Despite that I continue to gain weight, become hypoglycemic easily, have low energy and sometimes break out in hives.  My bowel function is all over the place.  Please tell me what I’m doing wrong —...

published in the March 8, 2008 issue of New Scientist Magazine by Harvard researcher Paula J. Caplan Walk down any street in America and you’ll see the effects of the “obesity epidemic”. Two-thirds of adults, more than 130 million people, are now considered overweight, and nearly half of these are classified as obese.

Wheat seems to be the most “irritating” of the gluten-containing grains, and some folks are only wheat sensitive, without having the full-blown problem of gluten intolerance.  Total gluten sensitivity (celiac disease, or celiac “sprue”) has many faces, and the most well-known are various forms of gastro-intestinal distress:  usually diarrhea, but occasionally constipation, oral or gastric...

Many of us have been incited to concern, even fear,  about cholesterol levels.  There has been an enormous media and medical push to reduce cholesterol levels in the past two decades.