A study published in the October 2007 Lancet (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science) by researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, concludes that influenza vaccinations in the US have prevented fewer deaths
Tag: aging
Research on Ginseng: Pharmacogenomics and the Yin/Yang actions of ginseng: anti-tumor, angiomodulating and steroid-like activities of ginsenosides. Chinese Medicine 2007 Long known as a whole-body tonic (the root plant, precious for centuries in Asian countries, is shaped like a person) new evidence validates and explains some of ginseng’s healing actions. In Chinese medicine, ginseng (Panax...
Abnormal lipids (fats) in the blood are considered one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease, a leading cause of premature death. Conventional wisdom has been to evaluate blood lipids after abstaining from food for 12 hours.
by Emily A. Kane, N.D., L.Ac. A clear, informative, 192-page guide detailing a natural approach to managing menopause. Preview the book inside > Order from Amazon > To obtain a signed copy with your own personal message, whether for yourself, or as a gift for someone else who is coming of age, you may purchase...
The arthritic diseases revolve around degeneration of bone and cartilage and can be due to infection, trauma, and inflammation, or autoimmune degradation of tissue. The word arthritis means, from the Greek, inflammation of a joint, but is not a specific medical term. Not all arthritic diseases present with inflammation, but most involve chronic pain and...
Osteoporosis, which means “porous bone,” is a bone-thinning disease that has affected over 200 million people worldwide. It has been called the “silent disease” because it comes on with few or no warning signs. It is the major cause of fractures, particularly of the spine, hip, ribs and wrist in older persons. Common symptoms include...
Q: I’m 50 and starting the “change of life.” I’m very upset that I can’t make a decision about whether or not to take hormones. If I don’t take hormones maybe my bones will all shatter. But if I do take hormones maybe I’ll get uterine cancer. So maybe I should get a hysterectomy. But...
Old age is a consequence of civilization; it is seen seldom in primitive societies and very rarely seen in wild animals. Although in this century the average lifespan of women and men has increased by 30% since the onset of industrialization and by over 300% since Neolithic times, we don’t exactly know how or why...