When I herniated a lumbar disc a few years ago, I had a steep learning curve about how to treat this condition. I learned a lot about how to treat, and prevent further harm, to a damaged low back.

Would you benefit from cleansing? Yes, if you: Smoke Are regularly exposed to environmental toxins Drink less than a litre of water daily Drink soda pop, coffee or alcohol Eat processed foods such as white flour baked goods and candy Crave junk food Are tired, constipated, bloated and lack focus Have sticky or malodorous bowel...

There’s a new wave in testing people for a so-called “body burden” of industrial chemicals in their blood stream.  The results are shocking.  A family with two young children in Oakland, CA

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a 3000+ year old system of diagnosis and therapeutcs which works primarily in stimulating the body’s natural “vital force” (known as Qi – prnounced chee). There are several areas of TCM, including diet and nutrition, acupuncture and moxibustion (a stick of copressed mugwort which is burned and held close to...

The arthritic diseases revolve around degeneration of bone and cartilage and can be due to infection, trauma, and inflammation, or autoimmune degradation of tissue. The word arthritis means, from the Greek, inflammation of a joint, but is not a specific medical term. Not all arthritic diseases present with inflammation, but most involve chronic pain and...

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