Brain Training to Keep Dementia at Bay: Buyer Beware Deborah Brauser November 21, 2014 MEDSCAPE Editors’ Recommendations Computer Training May...
Latest News
Why ONLY grass-fed dairy is good for you
Grass-Fed Milk Is Taking Off With Health-Conscious Shoppers At Almost $6 a Half-Gallon at Whole Foods and Other Stores, Milk...
News Flash: 10 times more viruses than bacteria in the human biome
Here’s a link to the article on NPR ( Given, the current agreement is, that there is 10 : 1...
Sweating does way more than regulate temperature. Think DETOX
New research is revealing something remarkable about why the body sweats. Beyond its obvious role in regulating body temperature, sweating...
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) aka serious lung problems
Q: My doctor diagnosed me with COPD and said I’d need to take steroids the rest of my life. I...
Skin Trouble: Is it eczema or psoriasis?
Q: I have bad psoriasis but don’t want to take prescription medication. What else can I do to clear up...
Gardening for health!
Community Gardeners Less Likely To Be Overweight 22 Apr 2013 People who are involved in community gardening tend to have...
The good bugs crawling all over and in you are your BEST FRIENDS
Check out this amazing article and be very wary of antibiotics and antibiotic-riddled meat and dairy products.
Another huge reason to avoid pharmaceutical “solutions” (NOT) to health
Ethan Rome Executive Director, Health Care for America Now Big Pharma Pockets $711 Billion in Profits by Robbing Seniors,...
The Need to be “Wheat Free” Gets More Complicated — and Urgent
50 Shades of Gluten (Intolerance) Celiac disease is characterized by an immune response to a specific epitope of gliadin (alpha-gliadin)...
GMO food update. Please check this out. It’s worse than you think. BE AWARE
Worth watching!
The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food
By MICHAEL MOSS Published: February 20, 2013 On the evening of April 8, 1999, a long line of Town Cars and...
Food is good medicine. Including to reduce PAIN
Huffington Post ( – 6 Foods That Fight Pain – By – (Friday, March 1, 2013) When you get...
Eat super-foods every day. Just Do It
This has some good info, however if you do eat tuna, make sure it’s young tuna (Carvalho Tuna out of...
Rampant Medical Fraud
Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to find truly unbiased research. This has been a problem for multiple decades. Research is...
how to lower your risk of stroke
The Huffington Post ( – How Antioxidants Really Protect Against Stroke and Dementia – By Jaimie Dalessio – (Thursday, February...
how to help your doctor quit wasting money
Los Angeles Times (CA) – Doctors list overused medical treatments – By Noam N. Levey – (Wednesday, February 20, 2013)...
stuffy nose got you down?
CNN – Breathe easier all season – By Betsy Stephens – (Tuesday, February 19, 2013) – From a stuffy head...
Junk Food Causes Acne — it’s official!
NY Daily News (NY) – Does eating junk food make your skin break out? Diet may help control acne after...
Avocado is a super food!
The Huffington Post ( – The Many Health Benefits of Avocado – By Dr. Joseph Mercola – (Tuesday, February 19,...
Can’t beat acne? Try 6 weeks without eating any gluten
The Huffington Post ( – Gluten: The Greatest Enemy of Clear Skin – Maura Henninger, N.D. – (Friday, February 08,...
Does careful food introduction in infants actually PROMOTE food allergies?
new research suggests yes, so moms, keep your minds open here: The Philadelphia Inquirer ( – Can giving babies solids...
Bugs are your friend
The Huffington Post ( – Gut Bacteria and Childhood Eczema – Leonard Smith MD – (Monday, February 11, 2013) ...
Acupuncture will be included in Affordable Care Act
The Huffington Post ( – Time for Acupuncture to Become Part of Standard Care – By Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D. –...
Let’s PREVENT disease
Dr. John McDougall interviews Dr. Denis Burkitt a tad long at 40 minutes but witty and searingly insightful:
If you are a woman or love a woman please check “Just a Little Heart Attack” it’s short, humorous, and could save your life. Watch it now!
CIPRO Toxicity. Avoid this antibiotic!
September 10, 2012, NY Times Popular Antibiotics May Carry Serious Side Effects By JANE E. BRODY Antibiotics are important drugs,...
Americans Eat too Much
Apparently if you stay overweight beyond middle age (40 something) your risk of losing your mind increases. Read on. and...
New Theory on Autism
Advisory for all those involved in any way with prenatal care, this means parents of teens, doulas, midwives, pediatricians, obstetricians,...
Yet Another Problem Antibiotic
TRICLOSAN is a very popular anti-microbial added to many commercial soaps, and widely used in schools and restaurants. Beyond the...
More good news about CHOCOLATE 🙂
Courtesy of my brilliant and slightly zany colleague in Denver, CO, Dr. Jacob Schor While I’m sitting here thinking about...
Fun Facts about Fish Oil
And why eating Alaskan salmon is the best way to get it! Courtesy of Sandro Lane, owner, Alaska Protein Recovery...
Monsanto revives Agent Orange
This week, the USDA will decide whether to allow Monsanto and Dow to introduce one half of the chemical mixture...
New Target Heart Rate, Specifically for Women
Women now have a target heart rate formula specifically for them thanks to Cardiologist Martha Gulati,MD from Ohio State Medical...
Tips for Enhancing Inner Peace
Inner Peace Reduces Anxiety 1. Be good to yourself. This is not selfish. It’s the foundation for a more peaceful...